News for year ths

2017-08-23 Kårens dag

Student Union Day

Stacken will be at the Student Union Day the 25th August 2017. We will be there from 10 to 16. This is an excellent time to say hi, talk with us if there is something you like to know.

After the event, if you like to contact us see the page Forum. You are also welcome to our club room at any Thursday evening (after 7 PM).


Stacken Computer Club is open for students or employees at the Royal Institute of Technology founded in 1978. We have a clubroom located in the Q-building where we have a room with a sofa, fridge, kitchen and of course plenty of computers. Also we have a server hall where we run several services like storage, email and web pages. The club is a student organization under THS, the official student union at KTH.

The club has plenty of knowledge among its members, we have everything from new students who are here to learn and use the clubroom to study, all the way to older members that have moved on and started to work with everything from programming to administration of large clusters of servers.

Thursday evenings from 7 PM are our traditional day where we meet in the clubroom and build something, debug a problem or discuss something interesting. If you are interested you are always welcome at any Thursday evening, knock at our door at the 2nd level in the Q-building.

Stacken på Kårens Dag


Membership in Stacken is completely free for THS members. For everyone else there is a fee of 117 kr/year.

Read more, or become a member.

2016-09-01 Öppet hus

Alla intresserade välkomnas till Stackenlokalen

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2016-08-22 Kårens dag

Stacken och andra kårföreningar träffar de nyantagna i kårhuset.

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2016-02-04 Öppet hus

Från och med klockan 16:00 den 4e februari kan man komma på besök och hälsa på oss i våra lokaler. Det bjuds på fika!

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2016-02-01 Kårens dag

På kårens dag den 1a februari kommer Stacken att ha ett bord i Nymble där man kan träffa oss.

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